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Born military brat

We move


We move

Single dad

Thank goodness for grandparents

2nd Marriage

We move

No more Military

We move

I grow up on a farm

I grow up isolated

I live poor

I'm shy

I have a lisp

I bottle everything up

I get a little angry

Isolation brings inspiration

I draw (self taught)

We move

I'm in 3 different high schools

I continue to draw and paint and experiment

I get braces and lose the lisp

I write poetry (self taught)

We move

I graduate high school

I move

I live in the city

I pass a certain point of tolerance and I let it all out

Now I live in the city where the people inspire me

For the most part I'm no longer shy

I move

I try school

We move

I try University

I buy a car

I move

I live in the city again

I ride a bike and sell the car

I take up acting, piano, and singing

I hang my art for you to see on a wall that is bare without them

I publish my poems

Next I will participate in spoken word poetry for all to hear

I am a people person (self taught)

I'm equally a loner (self explanatory)

I live my passion

I want to share

This is me


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